Therapeutic Solutions, Inc

Physical Therapy on Your Terms – at-home therapy kits

Adjust your keyboard already! 3 of 3

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Shain ZumBrunnen

Shain ZumBrunnen

Keyboard Setup

For many people a majority of our day is spent at a computer.  The way our work station is set up can make a significant amount of difference on how our body feels and whether we have potential problems with injuries such as Carpal Tunnel.  When setting up your computer station the keyboard set up is important. 

  1. In an ideal situation you will want to have your keyboard set under the desk top in a keyboard tray.
  2. When selecting a keyboard tray make sure that it allows adjustment for a negative tilt.  This means that when properly adjusted that the part of the keyboard furthest away from you where the “F” keys are at should be tilted away from you and be lower that the space bar.
  3. The keyboard tray will also need to be adjusted so that it is just off your thigh.

By making these adjustments your wrists will be in a straight position when typing rather than be tilted forward or back while keyboarding.  This will help reduce your risk for repetitive strain injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.



Shain ZumBrunnen
Owner of Health Quest Therapy
Founder of Therapeutic Solutions, Inc

Author: hometherapysolution

We are a Physical and Occupational Therapy company that designs and sells at home therapy kits to the public to help offset expenses while offering professional therapy care.

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